Now that you see all this information, let us answer some questions.
If you are seriously ready to do whatever it takes to achieve the qualifications and join us on New Hope Global Incentive Trip AND you are ready to be mentored by our amazing partners, feel free to fill out the form below and one of our team mentors will be in touch with you soon!
For some, this can be a trip of a lifetime. Spending time together with NH Global Founders Dino & Dani Nedelko and other highly motivated individuals who qualified for this trip is something that has no price tag on it. Imagine sharing experiences and learning from people that are on a mission to change lives all around the world and you can be the next one!
All the major things such as round trip flight ticket from your country to the trip destination, accommodation, food, and some activities during the trip are INCLUDED! All you have to do is to QUALIFY and GET READY!
NO. This is the trip to open up a world of opportunities and experiences for you and not a money-making trip. There are rare occasions that prevents someone to travel such as legal, visa, and similar. In that case, you will be able to use the qualification for any other future trip upon agreement.
Declare your interest by filling out the form below and someone will be in touch soon. When you complete the form you will also be given an invitation to a special WhatsApp group about the Incentive Trip Support and Help.